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Wästbygg Gruppen

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  • Bygger och utvecklar längs hela den norrländska kusten:

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    • kommersiella byggnader
  • Logistik och industri i Norden:

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Press releases

Wästbygg Gruppen AB (publ) carries out amortization in accordance with the terms of its outstanding senior unsecured green bonds


On 31 August 2023, Wästbygg Gruppen AB (publ) (the “Company”) made certain amendments, as a result of a written procedure, in relation to the Company’s outstanding senior unsecured green bonds 2021/2024 with ISIN SE0016798227 (the “Bonds”), among other things that the company shall amortise in total SEK 100 million no later than at the end of the first quarter 2024, whereof SEK 50 million was amortised on 15 December 2023. The Company today...

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Wästbygg Gruppen AB (publ) changes its liquidity provider to Carnegie Investment Bank AB


Due to Carnegie’s acquisition of Erik Penser Bank, Wästbygg Group has terminated the liquidity provider assignment with Erik Penser and has appointed Carnegie Investment Bank AB as new liquidity provider for the company's shares on Nasdaq Stockholm. The arrangement is in accordance with the framework of Nasdaq Stockholm's rules on liquidity providers. In the role of liquidity provider Carnegie undertakes to continuously quote prices for the...

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Wästbygg Gruppen AB (publ) announces record date and payment date of the consent fee for the written procedure under its outstanding senior unsecured green bonds


On 31 August 2023, Wästbygg Gruppen AB (publ) (the “Company”) made certain amendments, as a result of a written procedure, in relation to the Company’s outstanding senior unsecured green bonds 2021/2024 with ISIN SE0016798227 (the “Bonds”), among other things that the company shall amortise in total SEK 100 million no later than at the end of the first quarter 2024, whereof at least SEK 50 million shall be amortised no later than on 31 December...

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Wästbygg Group’s interim report for January–September 2023


Stable order intake and a step towards restored profitability Wästbygg Gruppen AB (publ) presents its interim report for January-September 2023.“The Wästbygg Group reported an order intake of over SEK 1 billion for the second consecutive quarter, and this year’s order intake to date totals SEK 2.5 billion. A continued stable order intake demonstrates our ability to offer our customers the right products. The challenging market situation persisted...

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Wästbygg Group’s Interim Report for January-September 2023 to be Published 9 November – Invitation to Teleconference

Wästbygg Gruppen AB (publ) will publish its interim report for January-September 2023 on Thursday 9 November 2023 at 08.00 a.m. (CET). Investors, analysts and journalists are welcome to attend the company’s audiocast with teleconference at 09.30 a.m. on the same day. Jonas Jönehall, CEO and Jessica Gårdmo, CFO, will present the report. The presentation will be held in Swedish.Date: 9 November 2023Time: Report published at 08.00 (CET)Audiocast with...

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Nomination Committee Appointed for the 2024 Annual General Meeting in Wästbygg Gruppen AB (publ)


According to the Instruction and Rules of Procedure for the Nomination Committee, the committee is to consist of four members representing the three largest shareholders as of the last trading day in September, in addition to the Chairperson of the Board. If any of the three largest shareholders do not wish to exercise their right to appoint a member, the right to appoint such a member then passes to the next largest shareholder. The Nomination Committee...

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Billion NOK deal for Wästbygg Group – development and construction of a large logistics facility for Ahlsell in Norway


Logistic Contractor, a part of Wästbygg Group AB (publ), has been entrusted with developing and constructing wholesale company Ahlsell's new state-of-the-art logistics facility in Norway. Ahlsell will be the tenant in the facility and has entered into a fifteen-year lease agreement with LC, with an annual rent of approximately 80 MNOK. The facility, located in the municipality of Eidsvoll north of Oslo, spans 62,000 sqm and includes a high-bay...

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Wästbygg Gruppen AB (publ) announces record date and payment date of the consent fee for the written procedure under its outstanding green bonds

As announced by Wästbygg Gruppen AB (publ) (the “Company”) on 31 August 2023, the written procedure initiated on 14 August 2023 (the “Written Procedure”) to request certain amendments in relation to the financial covenants in the Company’s outstanding senior unsecured green bonds 2021/2024 with ISIN SE0016798227 (the “Bonds”), was successfully completed. In accordance with the notice to the bondholders of the Written Procedure, the Company...

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Wästbygg Gruppen AB (publ) receives consent from bondholders to amend the terms and conditions for its outstanding senior unsecured green bonds


Wästbygg Gruppen AB (publ) (the “Company”) announces that the written procedure initiated through a notice to the bondholders on 14 August 2023 (the “Written Procedure”) to request certain amendments in relation to the financial covenants in the Company’s outstanding senior unsecured green bonds 2021/2024 with ISIN SE0016798227 (the “Bonds”), has today been completed. The quorum was reached and a requisite majority of the voting bondholders...

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Wästbygg Group’s interim report for January–June 2023


Restructuring and analysis of the business creates opportunities for profitability going forward. Wästbygg Gruppen AB (publ) presents its interim report for January-June 2023.“In the second quarter, we took difficult but necessary decisions to adapt the Wästbygg Group’s business to a persistently challenging market. We conducted an analysis of ongoing projects and of the group’s assets, which resulted in write-downs. Furthermore, restructuring...

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Wästbygg Group’s Interim Report for January-June 2023 to be Published 31 August – Invitation to Teleconference

Wästbygg Gruppen AB (publ) will publish its interim report for January-June 2023 on Thursday 31 August 2023 at 08.00 a.m. (CEST). Investors, analysts and journalists are welcome to attend the company’s audiocast with teleconference at 09.30 a.m. on the same day. Jonas Jönehall, CEO and Jessica Gårdmo, CFO, will present the report. The presentation will be held in Swedish.Date: 31 August 2023Time: Report published at 08.00 (CEST)Audiocast with...

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Wästbygg Gruppen AB (publ) Initiates a Written Procedure


Wästbygg Gruppen AB (publ) (the “Company”) initiates a written procedure in relation to the Company’s senior unsecured green bonds to request certain amendments in relation to the financial covenants. On 9 August 2023, the Company announced by way of press release its intention to initiate a written procedure under its outstanding unsecured green bonds 2021/2024 with ISIN SE0016798227 (the “Bonds”) due to that the Company predicts a negative...

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Wästbygg Gruppen AB (publ) Changes its Financial Calendar


Due to Wästbygg Gruppen AB (publ)’s (the “Company”) intention to initiate a written procedure in relation to the Company’s senior unsecured green bonds, as announced on 9 August 2023, the Company has decided to change the date of publication of its quarterly report for the second quarter 2023. The Company has decided to change the date of publication for the quarterly report for the second quarter 2023 to 31 August 2023 at 8.00 a.m. The...

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Wästbygg Gruppen AB (publ) predicts negative impact on the financial result due to restructuring costs and write-downs


Wästbygg Group’s (the “Company”) financial result for the second quarter of 2023 is negatively affected by previously communicated restructuring costs and write-downs in ongoing projects and the group’s assets. Moreover, the result is affected by further reservations related to a logistics project in the Danish market. During the first six months of 2023 Wästbygg Group made an organizational restructuring and review of ongoing projects and our...

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Wästbygg Gruppen AB (publ) will build a new logistics facility for Ahlsell amounting to SEK 600 million


Ahlsell continues to invest in its logistics center in Hallsberg, Sweden, and Wästbygg Group's subsidiary Logistic Contractor has been entrusted with the construction of two buildings totaling 42,000 sqm and a cold warehouse of 15,000 sqm. The order value amounts to SEK 600 million. Certification according to Breeam level Excellent will ensure the buildings' long-term sustainability in important areas such as energy use, materials and indoor...

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Announcement from Annual General Meeting in Wästbygg Gruppen AB (publ), held on May 4, 2023


An Annual General Meeting was held in Wästbygg Gruppen AB (publ) on May 4, 2023. A summary of the decisions made at the Annual General Meeting follows below. All resolutions have been made with required majority and in accordance with the proposals set forth by the Board of Directors and Nomination Committee. Adoption of the income statement and balance sheet as well as the consolidated income statement and consolidated balance sheet and discharge of...

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Wästbygg Group’s interim report for January–March 2023


Restoring profitability is in focus for 2023. Wästbygg Gruppen AB (publ) presents its interim report for January-March 2023.“In 2022, the Wästbygg Group succeeded in achieving positive growth despite challenges in the market. However, profit did not reach the desired level. In response to clear signs that the weak economy will continue for a long time yet, we have launched a package of measures to restore the company’s profitability. One of these...

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Wästbygg Gruppen AB (publ) implements measures to restore profitability


In order to ensure Wästbygg Group's long-term profitability based on the new market conditions and reduced order intake, the group plans to implement staff reductions, affecting approx. 70 employees. Furthermore, Inwita Fastigheter, the group's company for management and ownership of self-developed community properties, is intended to be liquidated. 2022 was a year marked by challenges and uncertainty, which led to reduced demand, mainly in the...

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Wästbygg Gruppen AB (publ) in billion SEK deal with H2 Green Steel


Logistic Contractor, a group company within the Wästbygg Group, has entered into an agreement with H2 Green Steel to build parts of a production facility for green steel in Boden, Sweden. The agreement covers a building of 150,000 square meters and the order value amounts to approximately SEK 1.7 billion. The deal is conditional upon H2 Green Steel being granted financing for the project. The order value will only be included in Wästbygg Group's...

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Wästbygg Group’s Interim Report for January-March 2023 to be Published 4 May – Invitation to Teleconference

Wästbygg Gruppen AB (publ) will publish its interim report for January-March 2023 on Thursday 4 May 2023 at 08.00 (CEST). Investors, analysts and journalists are welcome to attend the company’s audiocast with teleconference at 09.30 (CEST) on the same day. Jonas Jönehall, CEO and Jessica Gårdmo, CFO, will present the report. The presentation will be held in Swedish.Date: 4 May 2023Time: Report published at 08.00 (CEST)Audiocast with teleconference at...

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The shareholders of Wästbygg Gruppen AB (publ), corporate ID number 556878–5538, (“Wästbygg Group” or “the Company”), are invited to the Annual General Meeting on Thursday, 4 May 2023 at 15.00 at Clarion Collection Hotel Mektagonen, Falkenbergsgatan 3, Gothenburg. Registration at the General Meeting is initiated at 14.30. Light refreshments will be served.THE RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE AND NOTICE OF PARTICIPATION IN THE MEETINGAny shareholder who is...

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The Nomination Committee’s Proposal for Board of Directors in Wästbygg Gruppen AB (publ)


The Nomination Committee in Wästbygg Group proposes that the 2023 annual general meeting resolves that the board should consist of six ordinary board members without deputies, with re-election of Jörgen Andersson, Lennart Ekelund, Christina Källenfors and Cecilia Marlow. Joacim Sjöberg has declined re-election. The Nomination Committee further proposes new election of Jakob Mörndal and Clas-Göran Lyrhem. Cecilia Marlow is proposed to remain as chairperson of the board.

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